5 Strange Facts About Pregnancy That May Leave Your Eyes Open

Pregnancy is an exciting journey with which a lot of wonderful facts are associated. Common snippets about pregnancy are known to all. But did you know there are a lot of weird facts related to pregnancy that a majority of people are unaware of? Therefore, in today’s blog, let the most recommended private ultrasound scan clinic in Coventry reveal 5 so-not-discussed curious facts about pregnancy that may even make you astonished. Scroll down to learn more!

Your heart grows during pregnancy

Though it is quite weird to hear, your heart grows figuratively when you get pregnant. This is because your blood volume rises by up to 50% and your heart beats faster and stronger than earlier. As a result, it grows larger to continue supporting the little human growing inside your womb.

Your male partner might experience pregnancy symptoms

It might sound awkward but, in some cases, male partners along with their pregnant female partners may face some symptoms of early pregnancy. Such as, gaining excess body weight, swelling, nausea, etc. Such incidents are often referred to as ‘Sympathetic pregnancy’.

Babies cry inside the womb

It is not the first cry when your baby takes birth. Rather, inside your womb, your little one starts crying long before it takes birth. Doctors opine that mainly babies start crying inside their mothers’ wombs when the pregnancy is in the 28th week.

A pregnant woman might crave some non-food items

Cravings for sweets, pickles, and spicy foods during pregnancy are very common. But there often come some situations when some pregnant women start to crave some non-food items like soaps, chalks, papers, stones, etc. This weird craving during pregnancy is popularly known as ‘Pica’.

Taller women are more prone to conceive twins

In accordance with a study report published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, women who are 5 feet 5 inches and even more than that are more likely to give birth to twin babies. The reason behind this is believed that taller women have higher levels of a certain protein released from the liver that is associated with increased ovulation.

Well, these are some of the interesting and surprising pregnancy facts. To know more unknown facts, you can consult with your healthcare provider or visit a reliable private ultrasound scan clinic in Coventry.

Published by Coventry Baby Scan Clinic

We are the leading private baby ultrasound scan clinic in the Coventry area offering a range of pregnancy scans designed to fit into the various stages of your pregnancy. Visit:- https://windowtothewomb.co.uk/studios/coventry-baby-scan-studio/

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